VFC - Victory Fellowship Church
VFC stands for Victory Fellowship Church
Here you will find, what does VFC stand for in Religious under Community category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Victory Fellowship Church? Victory Fellowship Church can be abbreviated as VFC What does VFC stand for? VFC stands for Victory Fellowship Church. What does Victory Fellowship Church mean?Victory Fellowship Church is an expansion of VFC
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Alternative definitions of VFC
- Voltage To Frequency Converter
- Volunteer Fire Company
- Vaccine For Children
- Vermont Folklife Center
- Vertical Format Control
- Volunteers For Communities
- Virtual Fuel Cell
- V.F. Corporation
View 53 other definitions of VFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VRCBC Vision Resource Center of Berks County
- VTIA Vision Trust Interactive Agency
- VBE Varnum Brook Elementary
- VCVCLS Vista Com Voice and Call Logging Solutions
- VOS Virtual Office Services
- VHFD Van Haren Family Dentistry
- VED Visual Edge Design
- VKITI Vector Korea IT Inc.
- VRSI VR Solutions Inc
- VSS Versatile Staffing Solutions
- VSFS Value Shield Financial Services
- VIPL Vortex India Pvt Ltd
- VMG Visionary Marketing Group
- VFG Velocity Funding Group
- VIHC Vita Integrative Health Clinic
- VSL Virtual Sales Limited
- VFL Vital Fertilizers LLC
- VSL Vestige Strategies LLC
- VTS Visuals Technology Solutions
- VCCI Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry